## 巨商蓄鹦鹉
本文 narrates a tale of a wealthy merchant who kept a parrot, highlighting the bird's intelligence and the merchant's eventual realization of the importance of freedom. It explores themes of captivity, the value of liberty, and the limitations of material wealth.
昔有巨贾,富甲一方,珍奇异宝,不可胜数。一日,市得一鹦鹉,羽色斑斓,口舌伶俐。巨贾爱之如宝,置之金笼,饲以珍馐。 此鹦鹉聪慧异常,能学人言,甚至解人意。巨贾常于宾客面前炫耀,鹦鹉亦能应景表演,吟诗作对,博得满堂喝彩。巨贾愈加得意,视鹦鹉为炫富之物,更甚于奇珍异宝。
(The Intelligence of the Parrot)
There once was a wealthy merchant, whose riches were unmatched. He possessed countless treasures and rare objects. One day, he acquired a parrot with brilliant plumage and a clever tongue. The merchant treasured the bird, placing it in a golden cage and feeding it delicacies. This parrot was exceptionally intelligent, capable of mimicking human speech and even understanding their intentions. The merchant often showed off the parrot in front of his guests, and the bird would perform accordingly, reciting poems and matching couplets, earning applause from the entire room. The merchant became even more proud, viewing the parrot as a symbol of his wealth, even more so than his other precious possessions.
(Longing for Home)
Although the parrot enjoyed fine food and luxurious surroundings, it remained melancholic. Whenever it heard the chirping of birds outside the window, it would flutter its wings, longing to fly, and cry mournfully. The merchant didn't understand, thinking the parrot was merely bored, and added more toys to the cage. He didn't realize that what the parrot yearned for was the forest of its homeland and the freedom of the sky.
一日,一老僧化缘至府。闻鹦鹉哀鸣,便问其故。巨贾详述其事,老僧叹曰:“汝虽爱之,却不知其所欲也。自由翱翔,乃鸟之天性,金笼珍馐,岂能易之?” 巨贾闻言,幡然醒悟。遂开笼放飞,鹦鹉欢鸣一声,冲天而去。巨贾怅然若失,却又如释重负。始知世间万物,皆有其所求,并非金银财宝所能尽得。
(The Merchant's Enlightenment)
One day, an old monk came to the mansion seeking alms. Hearing the parrot's mournful cries, he inquired about the reason. The merchant explained the situation in detail. The monk sighed and said, "Although you cherish it, you do not understand its desires. To soar freely is a bird's nature; how can a golden cage and delicacies replace that?" Upon hearing these words, the merchant suddenly realized his mistake. He opened the cage and set the parrot free. The parrot chirped joyfully and soared into the sky. The merchant felt a sense of loss, yet also a sense of relief. He finally understood that everything in the world has its own desires, and not everything can be obtained with gold and silver.
This is the fable of the parrot, also a mirror to human life. It warns people not to impose their own preferences on others. Respecting the freedom of others is the true way to live in the world.
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